• Vote NO!
to Paul Onuska’s retention on Election Day, Tuesday,
Nov. 5, or vote absentee Sept. 26Nov. 2.
• Inform
your family, friends, neighbors, and workmates about
abuse of his office, and urge them to vote NO to Onuska. Encourage
them to come to this website (JudicialTruth.com) to learn the
E-mail this website to your friends in San Juan
and McKinley Counties. (Usually, this is as simple as clicking
on “File,” then clicking on “Send.”
Put your friend’s e-mail address in the slot, and click
• Make
a donation. A political campaign requires advertising,
and that requires money. The
Committee for Judicial Integrity is registered with
the New Mexico Secretary of State’s Office as a Political
Action Committee, so that it can accept donations. All donations
are subject to strict accounting and reporting rules by the Secretary
of State. Donations are NOT tax deductible. By law we are required
to report the name and occupation of each contributor. Send your
contribution to: The Committee
for Judicial Integrity, P.O. Box 952, Goliad, Texas 77963,
and include your occupation and your address (addresses are not
turned over to the Secretary of State, but we want to thank you.)
We urge you to do this NOW.
The sooner funds are received in a campaign the more effective
it is.